Code of Conduct

Arts & Sciences Pre-College Programs

By deciding to attend an Arts & Sciences Pre-College Program, students commit themselves to maintaining the highest academic and social standards. As a member of our community, students are expected to make a positive contribution by acting responsibly and by respecting the rights of other students, faculty, and staff. 

In addition to the conduct expectations set forth in this document, students are expected to abide by all applicable federal, state, and city laws and University policies. Violations of University policies may be reported to and require review by the Office of Student Conduct.

The University expects that pre-college students will be honest and forthcoming in their dealings with the members of the University community and all others. Students are expected to provide accurate information on applications, forms, and online processes, and to answer truthfully and completely questions put to them by a properly identified official of the University, and by officials of institutions, such as hospitals; by officials of municipal, state, and federal governments; and by police and other first responders. 

The following are strictly prohibited and violations will result in immediate dismissal from the program with no refund of the program fee, withdraw from classes, and no credit earned. Such conduct may also expose students to criminal prosecution by city, state, or federal authorities.

  • Use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of alcoholic beverages;
  • Use, possession, manufacture, distribution or facilitation of distribution of narcotics or other controlled substances, including prescription medication;
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia; 
    • This policy also extends to objects or means employed to induce results or effects similar to intoxication or impairment but which are not necessarily illegal, e.g., “whip-its,” “bath salts,” use of over-the-counter medicines for such purposes, asphyxiation and so on. In such cases where means are not illegal to have in possession, intent to use for purposes of intoxication or impairment will be the determining factor in dismissal.
  • Under the Washington University policy on weapons, explosives, or fireworks, possession or use of weapons, explosives, or fireworks;
  • Stalking, hazing, bullying, engaging in domestic, dating, or interpersonal violence, or any other conduct which harasses, threatens, or endangers the safety or health of, any member of the University community or visitor to the University;
  • Physical abuse or threatening physical abuse of any member of the University community or visitor to the University.
  • Theft, attempted theft, unauthorized taking our use of any University, public, or private property. Knowingly possessing stolen property.

If there is suspicion of use, procurement, or possession of alcoholic beverages, unlawful drugs, weapons, explosives, fireworks, paraphernalia, or items with intent to impair a room check will occur in the presence of Washington University police, Residential Life and pre-college personnel. Posts or photographs on social media as well as statements made by students or staff are considered grounds for suspicion. 

Violations of any of the following will result in disciplinary actions which may include limitation of activities, withdraw from courses, or expulsion from the program with no refund of the program fee and no credit earned:

  • Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, with respect for the rights and property of others, and are expected to abide by our community guidelines established by program staff.
  • Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and required program/course activities unless otherwise excused by staff or faculty. Over 3 unexcused absences from class or other required program/course activities is grounds for dismissal from the program and withdraw from courses.
  • Students participating in online course work are expected to have an active presence within Canvas which includes logging into the course regularly, participating in course discussion boards, and responding to messages related to the course; students with over 5 days of inactivity in Canvas will be subject to withdraw from courses.
  • Students are expected to be engaged, professional participants and complete all academic responsibilities and assignments by expected course and program deadlines. 
  • Students should not photograph, videotape, audiotape or otherwise record themselves or other participants, instructors, or staff without their explicit consent. This includes course or program content (except as allowed as an accommodation for a disability).
  • Students must complete all required program activities which include completion of orientation activities, submission of a midterm self-evaluation, and attending any scheduled academic support or disciplinary meetings. Residential students are also required to attend weekly group meetings and one-on-one meetings with a staff member.
  • Any damage to Washington University property or the private property of other students will be repaired at the expense of the student(s) responsible for that damage. 
  • Washington University prohibits smoking or the use of any tobacco products anywhere on campus. Students are not permitted to have tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia of any kind including rolling papers, pipes, matches, or lighters.
  • Students are not permitted to possess or use electronic cigarettes or other vaping devices or products or other prohibited items as outlined on packing list.
  • Students are not permitted to possess or have unsupervised use of knives of any kind including pocket knives, x-acto knives, or kitchen knives.

Residential students must abide by the following additional guidelines:  

  • A curfew for all students is strictly enforced. Students must be in the residence hall by 9:00pm every evening and in their individual rooms by 11:00pm until 7:30am the next morning.
  • Quiet hours are strictly enforced beginning at 11:00pm until 9:00am. Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day. 
  • Student housing is organized based on gender identity, age, and year in school.
    • Students are not permitted to move from assigned rooms unless authorized by program director.
    • Only those students assigned to a particular suite are allowed in that suite.
  • Students are expected to carry a WashU student identification card with them at all times, and to display the card to any appropriate University official or designee upon reasonable request. Students are prohibited from loaning their WashU student ID or residence hall key card to anyone.
  • Students are required to sign-out/in if leaving campus during approved off campus hours of Monday-Friday, 5:00-9:00pm/Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am-9:00pm. No exceptions are made for this curfew.
    • When leaving campus students should do so in groups of two or more. They must sign-out with program staff and list a specific destination.
    • Students are not permitted to leave campus in a vehicle operated by someone other than their parent/legal guardian unless prior authorization from their parent/legal guardian is received.
    • Students may request an overnight absence only if they will be escorted by a parent/legal guardian or a parent/legal guardian approved chaperone over the age of 18. The student must be picked up prior to 9:00pm and may not return to campus until 8:30am. Parents/legal guardians must submit a request at least 24 hours in advance of this absence. 
    • For the health and safety of our students, we may adjust approved off campus hours due to inclement weather or other local safety concerns.
  • Visitors are not permitted to be in the residence hall with the exception of check-in and check-out times.
  • Students are not permitted to bring or have access to motor vehicles while residing on campus. 
  • Students are expected to respect the residential facilities and to keep them clean. This includes common areas, suites, restrooms, and individual rooms.  
  • Students are not permitted to host parties or get-togethers at their private home or other off-campus locations.

Residential Community Guidelines

We are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming residential community. We hope our students find our residential community a place where they feel free to pursue knowledge, to live with respect and integrity, and to express themselves. We know that our programs are enriched by being a community of people with a broad array of experiences, backgrounds, perspectives, and interests. In order to promote a safe and inclusive residential environment for everyone these are the expectations of conduct for all students and staff in our residential community.

Review Residential Community Guidelines

Student Accountability Chart

The Student Accountability Chart serves as a general guide to the accountability process to promote consistency in our pre-college community. This chart includes a list of program rules, policies, and regulations according to the Arts & Sciences Pre-College Programs Code of Conduct. Parents and students should review the chart before the start of the program.

Review Student Accountability Chart

Statement of Admissions Conduct

An offer of admission and a student's enrollment in an Arts & Sciences Pre-College Program is contingent upon the accurate and complete representation of information within the application for admission. Applicants are obligated to notify the Arts & Sciences Pre-College Programs office of any changes in the information provided or responses submitted as part of their application. Arts & Sciences Pre-College Programs reserves the right to rescind an offer of admission or revoke a student's enrollment at any time if we receive information that, in our sole judgment and discretion, indicates that the information provided in the application is inaccurate or misleading or if new information leads Arts & Sciences Pre-College Programs to determine that a student is no longer a positive presence for study or participation in our community.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Washington University encourages and gives full consideration to all applicants for admission, financial aid, and employment. The university does not discriminate in access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, veteran status, disability or genetic information.

University Student Conduct Code

The University Student Conduct Code sets forth community standards and expectations for Washington University students. These community standards and expectations are intended to foster an environment conducive to learning and inquiry. The University Student Code of Conduct may be viewed here.

Academic Integrity Policy

Effective learning, teaching and research all depend upon the ability of members of the academic community to trust one another and to trust the integrity of work that is submitted for academic credit or conducted in the wider arena of scholarly research. Such an atmosphere of mutual trust fosters the free exchange of ideas and enables all members of the community to achieve their highest potential. In all academic work, the ideas and contributions of others must be appropriately acknowledged and work of a student that is presented as original must be, in fact, original. Faculty, students and administrative staff all share the responsibility of ensuring the honesty and fairness of the intellectual environment at WashU. The full Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures may be viewed here.

Youth Protection Policy

All members of the WashU community, including students, faculty, and staff, are expected to be positive role models in their interactions with minors by behaving in a caring, honest, respectful, and responsible manner. WashU has adopted the Youth Protection Policy which outlines expectations for the safety and well-being of minors at WashU. 

Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Under the law, sexual harassment and sexual violence, which are forms of sex discrimination, are also prohibited.

All individuals participating in educational programs or activities that are affiliated with WashU – including faculty, staff, students and third-parties attending university-sponsored events – are protected by Title IX.

FERPA & Privacy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects student educational record information. 

As provided by federal law in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the university can release information about a student’s academic record if the student has submitted a signed consent form. Information about FERPA, including the consent to release form, is available on the Office of the University Registrar's website.

Health and Safety Policies

All members of our community are expected to adhere to University health and safety policies, in addition to other public health orders, regulations and laws. Members of our community are expected to act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members.

Public health concerns may result in a disruption, alteration, or other modification to our programs, including but not limited to a shortened term, transition from in-person program delivery to remote learning, or reduction or elimination of breaks. Our programs are subject to change as deemed necessary by the University to address public health concerns. We will inform participants of the current health and safety policies applicable to the campus community, and will provide timely updates regarding any changes to health and safety policies.

Room Condition Report

The Room Condition Report (RCR) is a form that students complete upon arrival. It describes the physical condition of your room when you move in and when you move out. Staff have gone through and inspected the condition of each room and suite before students arrive, but is it is IMPORTANT that students also inspect the condition of their room. We use the RCR to fairly assess damages, if any, at the end of the program.

Room Entry

The pre-college program staff and other university personnel reserve the right to enter rooms for purposes of maintenance, to enforce University policy, address health or safety concerns, and/or for other institutional and program purposes.

Construction Sites

The campus is in the midst of major facility improvements. Construction has been a way of life in recent years. With this in mind, and for safety reasons, only authorized personnel are permitted to enter any area where construction is occurring. All unauthorized entry will be referred to the University Police.

Withdraw Policy and Procedures

Prior to making the decision to withdraw and leave a program early, students are strongly advised to consult with the Director of Pre-College Programs to fully understand the financial and academic consequences of withdrawing.

If a student decides to withdraw, notification of the withdrawal must be sent in writing to as soon as the decision is made. Unless the student is incapacitated, the notification must come directly from the student and include the student's name, Washington University student ID number, program name, date, and reason for withdrawal. Notification to instructors does not constitute a withdraw. In order to be considered valid, the request must be received and acknowledged by the A&S Pre-College Office.

Once the decision to withdraw is received and acknowledged, the student must vacate their room in the residence hall within 24 hours. The parent/guardian of the student is responsible for the travel expenses for the student to return home.