Exploration Course Proposal
We accept course proposals year round. For consideration for a particular semester, course proposals should be submitted by the deadlines included below. If you have any questions regarding the Exploration Course proposal process, please contact Becki Baker, Director of Pre-College Programs, at b.baker@wustl.edu.
- Spring: August 1
- Summer: December 1
- Fall: April 1
About Exploration Courses
Exploration Courses provide high school students the opportunity to experience WashU from home. Participants explore a topic or subject through a series of interactive activities, lectures, and discussions with pre-college peers from around the world. These noncredit, online courses offer participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in an innovative and collaborative learning experience.
Courses are offered asynchronously and are expected to include a total of 30-40 hours of content which can include any combination of lectures, discussions, and assignments. Exploration Courses may be offered as two-, three-, or four-week courses over the summer or ten weeks in the fall and spring. Instructors are expected to offer one synchronous office hours/help session each week for participants to check-in and ask questions about course content. Additional optional synchronous sessions may be scheduled. All course instruction is to be delivered via Canvas.
Although the focus of these courses is on the academic experience and not assessment, instructors may choose to require projects, papers, and other assignments to help evaluate participants. Instructors assign a grade of either successful completion or unsuccessful completion. Students must complete 80% of the course content to qualify for a grade of successful completion.
Instructors for Exploration Courses should be WashU affiliates. Instructors are all paid $5,000 a course.
All members of the WashU community, including students, faculty, and staff, are expected to be positive role models in their interactions with minors by behaving in a caring, honest, respectful, and responsible manner. WashU has adopted the Youth Protection Policy which outlines expectations for the safety and well-being of minors on campus. Exploration Course instructors will be expected to abide by this policy and its corresponding procedures which will include a background check and training program.
This template contains the elements of effective syllabi, as well as recommended language related to University policies and courses for Pre-College noncredit learners. Content should be customized to fit your course proposal.